IAM Identity & Access Management


Securely control user management and access

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Every company has an identity and rights management system. The question of which customers, suppliers or employees have which rights and company data within the IT infrastructure presents many IT managers with the challenge of maintaining an overview.

Especially in the course of the digital transformation, more systems are being opened up to the outside world – while new, decentralised solutions are being connected, data access from mobile devices is being made possible and sensitive data in general is being managed in the cloud. As a result, administration is becoming more complex.

IAM: successful digital transformation with identity & access management

Solutions in the context of identity management help to meet this challenge and adhere to the necessary security and compliance guidelines. IAM, identity & access management, ensures that the respective access rights correspond to the guidelines and roles of the users.

All operations on different systems and applications are correctly authenticated, authorised and verified. In order to securely control user access, the specialist departments can be involved.


All users, one authentication, many options with IAM

The advancing digitalisation affects all areas of life. Cities and municipalities are facing up to the challenges of the digital transformation and taking advantage of the associated opportunities with smart city projects.

Through our central IAM, the digital services of a city are sustainably integrated with each other and made accessible to citizens or visitors. At the same time, safety standards are improved and administrative efforts are reduced.

Keycloak as an open source option

Consulting, conception and realisation of digitalisation projects

User management: Central and clear

Master data maintenance
Mass import of users
Invitation procedure by mail
Form-based registration
Invitation codes
Role allocation

Self-service: relieving the Help Desk

Change password, forgot password or username
Login, registration, MFA/RBA
Application process/request access

Single sign-on: reduction of the entry of access data

Reduce application-specific passwords
Central control of PW policies
Possibility of establishing a single point of trust
Web-based single sign-on
Web-based self-service portal

Costs: reduce and simplify

Reduction of administrative costs through automation
Simplification of the centralisation of authorisation allocation

User lifecycle: user lifecycle at a glance

Automation of technical processes through software (onboarding/offboarding)
Automatic provisioning for connected systems
Time-based assignment of rights to systems
Definition of roles and role profiles

Compliance: optimal compliance with codes

Central rights allocation and reporting
Logging of all audit-relevant information
Possibility of managing personal data for other applications

User Federation: connection of external user sources

LDAP integration
AD integration
Custom sources/integration in other
Authorisation systems

Security in the corporate network

Audit-proof historisation and journalisation
Security (OWASP Level 3 compliant, password policy, security functions (captcha & throttling)
Multifactor authentication
Tom Kersting
With our authorisation systems, our customers can efficiently manage more than one million user accounts. We create a web-based single sign-on between different applications and aggregate originally different user accounts into a single central account. Access rights and personal data are always securely under control.

Tom Kersting

Software Developer IAM

Your IAM challenges:

Whether you’re interested in a fully comprehensive identity & access management or in partial solutions, we can accompany you in all phases of your security or identity project. From consulting to analysis and coaching to implementation and specific software development for your company.

An IAM system creates security and helps to fulfill verification requirements. As SMF, we are ISO27001 certified ourselves and are very familiar with these requirements.

Keycloak – an overview

Keycloak is an IAM software that is available free of charge and as open source. Keycloak offers many features out-of-the-box – without the need for programming.

Further information

Zero Trust – trust no one and verify everyone

Digital transformation stands for agility and acceleration of processes. Corporate and security guidelines must not be undermined in the process.

Further information

Advantages and success for our customers

IAM Schloss
With SMF as a partner in the field of identity & access management, we were able to publish our services in accordance with high security and quality standards in a short project period. The resulting solution has enabled us to significantly reduce our process costs for the maintenance of user profiles – by means of self-service functions. SMF quickly understood and implemented our individual requirement.

Ulrich Maurmann

Head of Department Web Solutions of the IHK-GfI
Berthold Model
As a product house in the field of risk management solutions, we’re in contact with different authentication and authorisation requirements on a daily basis. Our solutions support all common web standards. Nevertheless, there are always scenarios in which user federations or proprietary standards are required. With SMF, we have a partner who is used to dealing with all requirements in the area of IAMs competently and quickly, so that we can concentrate on our core business.

Berthold Model

Head of Production, Schleupen AG
By working with SMF, we at the city of "Monheim am Rhein" have access at all times to software-savvy, bright minds who reliably support us with a high level of expertise. We particularly like the fact that SMF sees itself not only as an IT service provider, but also helps us with technical issues.

Justine Paß

Project Manager, City of Monheim

Your contact

Together we determine your individual needs and coordinate your wishes and goals. Please use the contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Phillip Conrad

Segment Manager
Phillip Conrad

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